My Process

I start every project with a large dose of empathy and understanding. I ask a lot of questions and seek out as much information as possible about the people I am designing with and for. Humans are at the center of my process, and are involved in every part of my process through co-designing, testing, and feedback sessions. My favorite part of the process is the research phase because I find joy in getting to know people and their stories. Then I turn into a detective, using all of this information I identify patterns and pain points to develop design requirements. Using the design requirements as inspiration, I unleash my creativity and ideate possible solutions. The most telling part of any project is usability testing and concept evaluation, which I execute and use to iterate on. I always remember design is never done only do, and take a critical approach to iterating on my work! I design with responsibly, intentionally, and with a lot of passion.

Note: This whole section was about “my process” and used “I” a lot. But let’s be real, the best designs come from a dedicated team, and collaboration is the recipe for a successful design.


And to the right you will see what I call, an “ICONIC COMPOSITION” (hehe 😉 ) of my passions outside of work. I feel my best when I am in nature, the mountains are my home, but the ocean calms and inspires me. I’ve always loved traveling, and seeing new places keeps me inspired and creative in my work. On my trips, I am always the group photographer or historian as photography is my favorite way to capture life’s most epic moments.

As a post grad, I have taken up reading and playing piano to continue learning new things and keep my brain sharp. I rock climb and run to keep myself healthy and strong and enjoy challenging myself through these activities. I do enjoy the occasional avocado toast, guacamole, or just plain avocado in addition to my chai tea lattes as an every day treat.

My family has two dogs, Hoegy(9) and Benny(1) who make guest appearances on zoom calls and are my favorite co-workers.

I did one project!! on honeybee conservation and robotic pollinators, and I was given my nickname sarabee 🐝